Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design: Unity

There is a feeling of togetherness in this photo through the analogous lines, rectangles, and squares. The many harsh straight lines bring the photo together.All these elements make the photo feel whole.

Temperature: 0
Tint: +8
Contrast: 0
Highlights: 0
Shadows: -12
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : 0
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design: Variety

There are several key elements in this photo, including lines, color, and texture. The texture of the ground with leaves and shadows contrasts with the lines on the wall and of the tree trunks. There is also a contrast in color among the dark shadows with the bright bushes and sunlight. Your eye moves around the photo from the tree to the wall to the bright bushes which causes your eye to constantly move.

Temperature: 0
Tint: 0
Contrast: +30
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: +3
Vibrance : +23
Saturation: 0

Principles of Design: Rhythm

The element of form and lines is used multiple times throughout the piece and it creates a sense of directional movement. The smashed metal of the car creates a curved form and shape that are complementary. 

Temperature: 0
Tint: 0
Contrast: +18
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +2
Saturation: 0

Lens post: Variety

Link to Photo #21:

This shows variety by displaying multiple elements of art, including line, shape, and texture. The rough grass leads you to the square shapes around the picture, from the graffitied trailer wagon to the rectangular windows in the background. The square shapes then lead you to the lines on the trailer and back of the chair and all these elements move your eye around the photo.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

1. My definition of success is being happy with what you have done and knowing that your our pushing yourself to do your best, I don't know what I specifically want to achieve yet but I know I want to help and impact people's lives.
2. To become successful I am lucky enough to have not given up very much, at least yet, but so far I do constantly give up my free time and relaxing time to work hard to push my abilities.
3. Gordon Parks gave up his personal relationships, both with his kids and marriages to be successful and further his career.
4. Genevieve's father was a rich businessman.
5. Parks advanced to write his first book was 10,000.
6. Elijah Muhammad offered parks 500,000 to do a story on the nation of Islam.
7. Parks refused the money because he thought Muhammad would influence him.
8. The movie the Learning Tree was the first major movie by a black person.
9. The character Shaft was a famous black person.
10. Gordon Parks choice of weapon was a 35 millimeter camera.
11. Genevieve Young did not like how there was no schedule and she could never know when he would call or visit.
12. The feature film that told the same story was Twelve Years A Slave.
13. Gordon Parks Jr. was Gordon's oldest son who was following in his footsteps in the film industry, before he died in a plane crash.
14. My favorite Gordon Parks photo is American Gothic.
15. In ten years I will remember that Parks was a famous influential black artist who broke the race boundaries in the arts.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Principles of Design: Proportion

The balance of both the fence and the shadow creates a feeling of unity and relate well because they both have extreme corners 

Temperature: 0
Tint: 0
Contrast: +25 
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +26
Saturation: 0

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Principles of Design: Pattern

The repeating rusty diamond shape creates a pattern that partners well with the warm colors of the sticks behind it. The corners and lines are all over the picture from the rusty metal fence to the corner and lines of the wood behind.

Temperature: 0
Tint: -30
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +28
Saturation: 0

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Principles of Design: Repitition

Throughout the picture there are repeating squares and corners bringing unity and pattern. The corners and squares of the cement and bench connect the picture to make it a whole.

Temperature: 0
Tint: +26
Contrast: 0
Highlights: 0
Shadows: +17
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +17
Saturation: 0

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Principles of Design: Movement in Structure

This is a prime example of movement because your eye moves from the focal point of the road down to the car, which lead your eye to the shadows and the trees.

Temperature: 0
Tint: +13
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: +33
Vibrance : 0
Saturation: +28

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Principles of Design: Emphasis in Structure

The supporting stilts of the tree align with trunk to bring attention to the the leather traps which then showcases the the tree trunk.

Temperature: 0
Tint: +18
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: +45
Vibrance : +15
Saturation: +24 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Principles of Design: Balance in Structure

Th mural wall balances out the strip of mural on the bottom, while the construction machinery's metal beams cross and connect to form a balance in the the very middle of the picture crating a stabilizer in the middle.

Temperature: 0
Tint: +20
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: +46
Vibrance : +22
Saturation: +33 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Elements of Art: Texture in Nature

This picture gives the viewer the feeling to reach out and touch the rough bumps of the young pinecone. 
Temperature: 0
Tint: +17
Contrast: +19
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +12
Saturation: 0

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Elements of Art: Color in Nature

Temperature: 0
Tint: +30
Contrast: +35
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: 0
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : +52
Saturation: 0
The light reflected off the flowers results in a yellow hue with great intensity and high value. The green leaves with a small pop of purple contrast each other.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Elements of Art:Space in Nature

Temperature: 0
Tint: +16
Exposure: +0.15
Contrast: +16
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: + 7
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : 0
Saturation: 0

The open space between the trees in the sky creates negative space which in turn gives a feeling of depth.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Elements of Art: Form In Nature

Temperature: 0
Tint: +16
Exposure: +0.15
Contrast: +16
Highlights: 0
Shadows: 0
Whites: + 7
Blacks: 0
Clarity: 0
Vibrance : 0
Saturation: 0

I added a slightly warm tint and added more whites on camera raw. Luckily this photo already had great shadow and color. Form can be seen in the 3D leave-like things of this odd rounded yet spiky plant.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks pt 1 and 2

  1. Th doctor saved his life by putting him in cold water and rubbing him against ice.
  2. Gordon was born in Kansas with his parents.
  3. She told him that most Negroes don't go to college because they can only be maids or laborers and it would be a waste of his parents' money.
  4. Gordon was 16 years old when his mom died.
  5. After his mother died he went to live with his sister and brother in law in Minnesota.
  6. Gordon did not graduate from college when he was young but he eventually did.
  7. He went to a clothes store for rich white women, and asked the owner if he could shoot fashions.
  8. Double exposure is when two photographs are exposed on the same frame of film.
  9. Joe Louis was a boxer who was an African American professional boxer and heavyweight champion.
  10. Gordon played the piano all thought his life.
  11. The purpose of the Farm Security Administration was to educate the American public about poverty and combat it.
  12. Stryker's first assignment for Gordon in Washington DC was to go shop at a specific store, eat at a restaurant, and watch a motion picture. None of the tasks could be accomplished because of the racism against Gordon.
  13. Ella Watson was in janitor in the farm administration building that Gordon photographed.
  14. The inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic was he architecture of a lone farm building and the culture of rural america.
  15. Gordon learned from Stryker about photo that the people in front of the camera are the most important people, not the one taking the picture.
  16. The FSA shut down in 1943.
  17. After Gordon moved to New York, he shot for Vouge.
  18. The picture editor of Life Magazine was Wilson Hicks when Gordon walked into the Life Magazine office.
  19.  The first major story Parks covered for Life Magazine was on crime, following Red Jackson.
  20.  After he moved to the Paris Life Magazine bureau, he mentioned the artists  Picasso, Vango, Brenard,and Brugol.
  21.  He shot fashion by letting his models move, and moving with them.
  22. Parks' concerto was performed in Venice.
  23. Parks' second wife was Elizabeth Campbell Rollins and she was a model and her father was
  24. He met Flavio when Flavio was 12.
  25. Parks met Flavio in the early 1960's.
  26. Flavio lived in rio de janeiro in a favela when Parks first met Flavio and his family
  27. Gloria Vanderbilt was an author actress and heiress. Her son is Anderson Cooper, and news anchor for CNN. Her ancestors are the Vanderbilt family who made a fortune in the railroad industry then expanded.
  28. She said they were friends, but she also didn't care about the social boundaries, but Parks new that they mattered and would stop them from being anything more.