Monday, December 8, 2014

Inspired by a Master- Henri Cartier Bresson











Henri Cartier-Bressson is considered one of the major artists of the 20th century. He was a pioneer in street photojournalism. He took raw, real, and spontaneous photos all around the world. His work helped establish photojournalism as a true art form. He captured major American events, such as the Spanish Civil War and the French uprisings. His objects were often children and he had strong focus on using geometric shapes. His work was rule breaking, focusing on the importance of street photography and he captured sights that many Americans would not have been exposed to without his photos. of His influence on street photography styles is so strong he is known as the "Godfather of Street Photography".

We chose Cartier-Bresson because we believed his picture are interesting and huis work feels timeless. In addition it was clear he had a different perspective than most. Taking a good photo is already difficult, so taking a good photo that is also inspired my someone else is quite the feat. Using certain styles and having certain focuses while keeping in mind the basic rules of composition is a challenge. In addition, we are amateur photographers who are influencing our work with amazing master photographers who have years of experience and are famous their incredible artistic skills. He inspired me to push myself to try to look at a normal looking scene from a different, more interesting angle.As we worked on the project, I realized this can be a challenge, but to not give up and continue to take as many photos as I can to reach this.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photo of Junior! (the last one). It captures him right as he's stepping onto the ledge, really spontaneous. He looks almost like he's floating, which is really cool.
